The Toffee Lady

Hey there! It's Tara, otherwise known as the Toffee Lady! I thought it would be fun to introduce myself and share a few random facts about me for your entertainment!
I'm a small town girl who married a country boy and we live out in the county with our four beautiful kids. My first job was at Corn Dog on a Stick, followed by eight years working in a bakery. Next up, elementary school teacher, then homeschool mom turned entrepreneur.
My greatest joy in life has been to love and cheerlead my husband and our four kids as we walk this life together.
I am an eternal optimist.
There is always a silver lining. I believe that nothing is wasted. Life has not been easy, but it is my story, written by my Loving Father, and those hard times are what make me who I am today.
Fun fact:
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher, and a singer. I would ride my bike all over the small town of Sumas, singing at the top of my lungs hoping that one day someone would come up to me and say, "Tara, will you be in my band?" I lived my dream of being a teacher, but I will NEVER be a singer. Ask my kids!
But I do feel like I got to be in that band...
Stepping out and starting a business has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.
Owning your own business is a lot like being in a band.
You get to be on stage, but most of your work is done behind the scenes. You make a lot of mistakes, but those are just stepping stones to your next gig. You get to be creative, collaborate with others, and sing your own songs.
But what's the best part of being in a band? The fans!
I am so grateful for the incredible support we have from all of you. When I hear you tell me how much you love our toffee and our story, I can't help but feel like I'm the singer I always dreamed of being!
Dreams DO come true!
They just might look different than you thought they would...
My stage name happens to be "The Toffee Lady!"
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Dolly, I really appreciate your words of encouragement! It was great to meet you, too. This is exactly what my mom has told me all of my life-that I would be successful at anything I set my mind to…I owe so much of where I am to her! Appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!
Dianne, isn’t that funny! I’m sure all the people of the town got a kick out of it too!! haha!
You are an inspiration Tara. It was great to meet you this summer. You have such a warm and friendly personality, I’m sure you would be successful at anything you set your mind to.
Such a fun little picture of your life! Thanks for sharing! Love the image of you riding your bike around Sumas, singing & hoping to be discovered!! 😀 So cute!